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Desktop pictures


On this page we will show you how a given wallpaper size will fit with your screen.

What screen resolution do you have ?
640 x 480
800 x 600
1024 x 768
1365 x 1024
1600 x 1200
bigger than 1600 x 1200...
if you don't know,  click on the button below, you will know instantly.

Screen 640 x 480

With this screen resolution, the 640 x 480 pictures from the free gallery fit perfectly with your desktop.

Screen 800 x 600

With this screen resolution, the 800 x 600 pictures from the free gallery fit perfectly with your desktop.
800 x 600 on 800 x 600 screen
pic: 800 x 600
640 x 480 on 800 x 600 screen
640 x 480

Screen 1024 x 768

With this screen resolution, the 1024 x 768 pictures from the free gallery fit perfectly with your desktop.
Alternately, you may use an 800 x 600 picture or a 640 x 480 picture and center it. Your desktop will look like this:
800 x 600 on 1024 x 768 screen
pic: 800 x 600
640 x 480 on 1024 x 768 screen
640 x 480

Screen 1365 x 1024

With this screen resolution, the 1365 x 1024 pictures from the free gallery fit perfectly with your desktop.
Alternately, you may use a 1024 x 768 picture or an 800 x 600 picture or a 640 x 480 picture and center it.  When using the last one, you could also tile it. It will take a little bit more than 4 pictures to fill up your screen's surface. Your desktop will look like this:
1024 x 768 on 1365 x 1024 screen
pic: 1024 x 768
800 x 600 on 1365 x 768 screen
800 x 600
640 x 480 on 1365 x 1024 screen
640 x 480
640 x 480 on 1365 x 1024 screen
640 x 480 tiled

Screen 1600 x 1200

With this screen resolution, the 1600 x 800 pictures from the free gallery fit perfectly with your desktop.
Alternately, you may use a 1365 x 1024 picture or a 1024 x 768 picture or an 800 x 600 picture or a 640 x 480 picture  and center it. When using an 800 x 600 picture, you can also tile it.  It will fit on your screen's surface exactly 4 times. Your desktop will look like this:
1365 x 1024 on 1600 x 1200 screen
pic: 1365 x 1024
1024 x 768 on 1600 x 1200 screen
1024 x 768
800 x 600 on 1600 x 1200 screen
800 x 600
640 x 480 on  1600 x 1200 screen
640 x 480
800 x 600 tiled on 1600 x 1200 screen
800 x 600 tiled
640 x 480 tiled on 1600 x 1200 screen
640 x 480 tiled

Screen bigger than 1600 x 1200...

With this screen resolution, we are sorry we don't yet have pictures that fit perfectly with your desktop.  Tell us what is your screen resolution.  Contact us.

At our sister site FaunaFloraWallpaper.com you will find Animal, flower and nature Wallpaper.
Wallpaper featuring animals, flowers, nature at FaunaFloraWallpaper.com

At our sister site FreeWallpaperPic.com you will find Art, sights, space, transport Wallpaper.
Wallpaper featuring art, historical pictures, space, sights, transport and people at FreeWallpaperPic.com

-Tested with Opera, Chromium, Firefox, Midori -
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