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Removing a wallpaper

Looking how to remove a wallpaper image from your desktop background ? In most cases you could just install another wallpaper and thus the former wallpaper will be removed. But in the case you do not want to have any wallpaper at all, you should read the following pages.

Detailed methods to remove a wallpaper

Detailed method to remove a wallpaper under Linux
Detailed method to remove a wallpaper under Mac OS
Detailed method to remove a wallpaper under Windows

Detailed methods to install a wallpaper

Detailed method to install a wallpaper under Linux
Detailed method to install a wallpaper under Mac OS
Detailed method to install a wallpaper under Windows

At our sister site FaunaFloraWallpaper.com you will find Animal, flower and nature Wallpaper.
Wallpaper featuring animals, flowers, nature at FaunaFloraWallpaper.com

At our sister site FreeWallpaperPic.com you will find Art, sights, space, transport Wallpaper.
Wallpaper featuring art, historical pictures, space, sights, transport and people at FreeWallpaperPic.com

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