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Wallpaper theme Rivers


This is the main page of the desktop wallpapers with the theme rivers. In the menu "Wallpaper Gallery" on the left, you will find the links to all the gallery pages with the theme rivers as well as the links to the main pages of our other wallpaper themes.

The table below lists the gallery pages available for the wallpaper theme rivers. For each page with the theme rivers you will see a sample wallpaper and the number of wallpapers available.


Wallpaper pages theme Rivers


8 wallpapers

12 wallpapers

6 wallpapers
Rhine F-CH-D

9 wallpapers
Kayak Rhine

12 wallpapers
Footbridge prep

15 wallpapers
Footbridge inst

21 wallpapers
Rhine Basel

10 wallpapers
Rhine Falls 78

9 wallpapers
Rhine Falls 06

12 wallpapers
Old Rhine

9 wallpapers
Gorge Aar

9 wallpapers
Aar Berne

9 wallpapers
Brooks Andorra

9 wallpapers
Seine Paris

9 wallpapers

7 wallpapers
icy Schwarzwasser

9 wallpapers

9 wallpapers
Icy Sense

6 wallpapers

8 wallpapers
Chao Phraya

9 wallpapers
Total: 207 wallpapers

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You may download and use our desktop wallpaper pictures for your personal and private needs only. NO publishing, NO commercial use of any kind.

At our sister site FaunaFloraWallpaper.com you will find Animal, flower and nature Wallpaper.
Wallpaper featuring animals, flowers, nature at FaunaFloraWallpaper.com

At our sister site FreeWallpaperPic.com you will find Art, sights, space, transport Wallpaper.
Wallpaper featuring art, historical pictures, space, sights, transport and people at FreeWallpaperPic.com

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